The trampoline park business is a capital-intensive venture with ongoing expenses. But it can also be a high-profit margin business if well executed. As such, you must find ways to maximize your revenue and increase your profits. The subscription-based model is one of the most reliable ways of pulling predictable revenue.
Membership-based models can be great revenue raisers. This is where customers subscribe monthly or yearly. In addition to generating recurring and predictable revenue, they build a loyal customer base. Subscribers also tend to visit your venue more often, meaning they’ll be purchasing food and drinks or additional activities. You also need to broaden your customer base. You position yourself as the go-to family entertainment center by targeting a wider audience. As such, you may design and install various age-appropriate equipment and activities or programs. Within each age group are different sub-markets. For instance, some children aged 10 to 13 may prefer mentally stimulating games and activities, while others want physically demanding activities. Still, some parents may be sports lovers and would instead work out than play passive games. Offering group deals can be great to cast your net wide and attract more audience. To attract partygoers, for instance, consider offering special deals such as birthday party packages like discounted foods and drinks or free decoration. More people at your park means more sales and more people to impress, so they choose you over your competition. It’s not enough to have diverse, great offerings; it helps when your staff can sell them. So, you may want to train your staff to upsell and cross-sell visitors. Upselling is when a customer who is purchasing, say, a regular ticket is given a chance to buy a VIP experience at a discounted price. Cross-selling, on the other hand, involves offering customers complementary add-ons to their initial purchases. These strategies are proven ways to increase spend per customer. So it helps if your staff is well-trained in identifying customers who may want to be upsold or cross-sold. Additionally, place eye-catching items by the checking area to boost impulse purchases. Kids are especially susceptible to such things, and by positioning them right, you are more likely to make them want to get them. The trick, however, is for such items to be high-profit margins. Another great way to boost revenue is to organize promotions around key events. Offering guests special deals, such as costumes for rent at discounted prices, can be a great way to attract more visitors. When designing and planning your trampoline park think about how to maximize revenue. The key to running a profitable business is to ensure you’re making more money than you’re spending. Reducing expenses is just as good a strategy as maximizing profits. Some expenses, such as employee overhead costs and repairs, are inescapable. However, you can reduce overhead costs by automating checkouts and bookings. You may also hire staff on a part-time basis. Additionally, you can reduce the cost of repairs by installing quality equipment, thus reducing repair costs. Trampoline parks used to be small and simple. Today, a trampoline park can host several different types of entertainment activities. To remain relevant and profitable, always be on the lookout for how to diversify your offerings, offer your guests a great experience, and maximize spend per visitor.